Cover photo courtesy of Todd Babchuk, Clover Towing, Surrey, B.C.
The Christmas countdown has started. While most people are cleaning their houses and putting decorations up, tow operators are polishing and embellishing their trucks to take them to the streets to spread Christmas joy.
Some operators decorate their rides themselves with help from their coworkers and family, some offer their trucks to the city and let others enhance them with ribbons, lights, garlands, and other Christmas ornaments, and some of them turn their trucks into real works of art.
This year, Santa Clause’s sleigh came to Canada from all different directions and times. While some of the traditional Christmas parades—featuring horse-drawn carriages, tow trucks, fire trucks, marching choirs, orchestras, sports teams, mascots, and other volunteer groups—happened as early as late November, some communities are still waiting for their festivities.
Thus, Tow Canada presents, a little Christmas spirit with some amazing tow trucks that proudly rolled along at Santa parades across the country.