More Jobs to Mountain Home
Inventive LLC has announced it will be building a new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Mountain Home, Idaho. President Chuck Ceccarelli stated that the 65,000 sq. ft. main production facility will be used to manufacture products for their three product lines, In The Ditch Towing Products, Razorback Offroad and Fish Fighter Products.
Inventive LLC has outgrown its current facility in Mountain Home. Ceccarelli said the new facility will boast advanced manufacturing principles with a focus on automation and employee retention. The expansion will also include a new 20,000 square foot corporate office centre with a new state-of-the-art employee exercise centre, an 80-person training room, cafeteria, show room and recording studio used to produce the company’s weekly podcast, Inside In The Ditch.
Retaining employees and recruiting new talent is a major focus of this expansion. “We want to build a facility that everyone will want to work in and be proud of.
The project has been made possible by the City of Mountain Home’s willingness to work with us. The support of the Mayor, Economic Development Office and City Council has been instrumental,” said Ceccarelli.
The Idaho Department of Commerce has also played a vital role in this project through their award of the Idaho Opportunity Fund. Through this grant, Inventive LLC has added 40 jobs in the last 12 months and plans to add 50 more over the next 24 months, bringing the total employee roster to around 150.
“We are so excited to continue our expansion in Mountain Home and further our existing 20 plus year commitment to the community,” said Ceccarelli.
Bideganeta Construction, also based in Mountain Home, Idaho, has been selected as the primary contractor. Architects on the project will be Slichter/Ugrin Architects Inc. from Boise, Idaho. Other members of the construction team include surveying by J.J. Howard Consulting Engineers, mechanical engineering will be provided by Musgrove Engineering, structural engineering by Nucor Buildings, and all electrical work will be done by Boise Valley Electric. Construction on the new facilities is expected to be complete by September of 2020.