Photo courtesy of Astro Towing
On July 7, the Roadside Responders Association of Saskatchewan (RRAS) held its first Blue Lights & Burgers event at Martensville. Every Wednesday throughout the summer towers and local communities in Saskatchewan will be able to hit the series of Blue Lights & Burgers events at a different location to celebrate blue lights, talking about the industry, and hang out with their fellow operators and community neighbours.
During the first Blue Lights & Burgers event, the association and its members unveiled a memorial to all fallen tow operators and emergency personnel, “The Spirit Ride,” to raise awareness about tow operators’ safety and educate motorists on why is it important to obey Slow Down Move Over law. The members of the association will carry this memorial on the back of their deck trucks throughout the summer to remind drivers to slow down and move over.
RRAS has successfully lobbied to have tow trucks included in the Slow Down Move Over law and allowing tow trucks to display flashing blue lights when working on the side of the road.
July 14 – Prince Albert
July 21 – Melfort
July 28 – Warman
August 4 – Dundurn
August 11 – Leader
August 18 – Lloydminster
August 25 – Chamberlain
September 1 – Esterhazy
Look for more information about upcoming RRAS events at or follow its Facebook page.